Ashby Analytics

Every question answered

Unlock your ATS data with intuitive, fast and powerful reporting —finally. Included in Ashby All-In-One. Available as an add-on for your existing ATS.

Ashby Analytics for your existing ATS

Track Key Metrics

Answer and monitor important questions

Interview volume over time? Offer acceptance rate by team? Average time in process? Onsite interviews in engineering by source? We’ve got you covered with out of the box reports, customizable templates, and a report builder to build your own from scratch.

Analytics Dashboard
Headshot of Stephanie Baysinger

”We are no longer in a world where we pull data at the end of a quarter and change behavior for the next quarter. We're changing the behaviors of our team on a weekly basis, based on the information that's coming in through Ashby.“

Stephanie Baysinger

Director of Recruiting Ops. at Marqeta

Marqeta logo

Filter, Segment, Drill Down

Powerful and intuitive report builders

Unlike the mostly static dashboards provided by Excel sheets or BI tools, Ashby lets you interactively explore all your recruiting data. Build your own reports. Filter and segment by any field. Drill down into each data point.

Headshot of Kristin Cherico Dean

”I'm famous for during meetings, whether it's with the hiring manager or an executive. When they start asking you questions, I will get in there and start building reports to answer those questions and give them things to look at, whether it's a chart or a dashboard. I can do it within minutes.“

Kristin Cherico Dean

VP, Talent Acquisition at Brightline

Brightline logo

Be Proactive

Customizable Alerts to Share Info and Enforce SLAs

Create custom alerts to enforce SLAs on your hiring team and keep everyone informed on hiring progress. Alerts can be delivered via Email or Slack.

Stale Applicants Email Alert
Candidate Feedback Slack Notification
Headshot of Stephanie Baysinger

”I am extremely passionate about getting my team the information they need before they even know that they need it. And alerts allow me to do that.“

Stephanie Baysinger

Director of Recruiting Operations at Marqeta

Marqeta logo


Track DEI Metrics and Goals at Every Step of the Funnel

Create custom alerts to enforce SLAs on your hiring team and keep everyone informed on hiring progress. Alerts can be delivered via Email or Slack.

DEI Metrics Charts
Headshot of Kristin Cherico Dean

”One of the things I love about Ashby is the ability to really understand how we're performing against our diversity goals and initiatives, but really seeing how our pipelines are currently made up how people are moving through those pipelines and different populations and they want to step back and problem solve so that we ensure we're able to meet all of our goals.“

Kristin Cherico Dean

VP, Talent Acquisition at Brightline

Brightline logo


Plan ahead

Use the recruiting planner to leverage historical data to forecast capacity. Track hiring goals and progress in real-time.

Progress Planning

Deep Expertise

Recruiting Operations Consulting

Through our recruiting operations consulting function we go beyond traditional customer success and provide you with insights and best practices that uplevel your team.

Ravan Charles

Ravan Charles

Kyra Vargas

Kyra Vargas

Jared Haynes

Jared Haynes

Kristl Yuen

Kristl Yuen

Shannon Ogborn

Shannon Ogborn

Dustin Bromley

Dustin Bromley

Morgan O'Marro

Morgan O'Marro

Christian Novicki

Christian Novicki

Headshot of Stephanie Baysinger

”With Ashby and the support team, I know I have a trusted partner who understands recruiting. It is an incredible partnership.“

Stephanie Baysinger

Director of Recruiting Operations at Marqeta

Marqeta logo

Hiring excellence is one conversation away.

Connect with our team and learn how Ashby can help your team grow faster and better.

Woman working with a laptop